Seaport Real Estate Services

Seaport Advantage VEnn

“A sum greater than its parts”

An elaborate blend of services designed and positioned to enhance each other in a step-by-step process that guides the client from start to finish. A stated mission that governs the ability to identify, address and service the specific needs of clients through the purchase & sale of real estate, both residential and commercial. 

Seaport Real Estate Group

A residential brokerage division offering traditional representation for both buyers and sellers of real estate. A classic approach offering a blend of data-driven consultative guidance highlighted and showcased through customized marketing services.

 SREG Logo

Seaport Commercial

A commercial division with service offerings of representation ranging from purchase & sale to leasing and rentals to specific fees for service consulting.

 Seaport Commercial Logo

Seaport Auction

A specialized service designed to offer an alternative means of sale. Recently created to provide clients additional options capable of suggesting a Plan B to the purchase & sale process, in alignment with established Advisory guidelines. Professional recommendations that supply alternative remedies in the absence of traditional brokerage solutions.


Seaport Advisory

A clearly defined template of due diligence and research is performed to provide clients with a simplified level of transparency and understanding. A consultative approach designed to educate and empower clients to make the most informed decisions regarding the purchase & sale of real estate.

Seaport Advisory Logo